

so, i went for the second time to pool's heartlands to the jeremy corbyn rally. i got quickly bored as it was exactly the same speech i had heard at this same place one year earlier.
i agree with jc's policy of having healthcare, public transportation, education and other services in public hands (either fully publicly owned and supervised or just publicly supervised, as the second one might be more palatable for right-leaning democrats).
but that's all. i do not agree with the statement that the labour party could provide anything only when it wins the general elections and became the party of government. it's a bullshit and dishonesty. even having in mind that uk's politics are de facto two-party politics and although i can understand such a point of view - it is based on false premises. you simply do what you're supposed to do and look for political associates to help you achieve your goals even in their minimalist version (like simply opposing the government in dismantling the welfare state) or you're just whining about evil deeds of others (like that one that being in opposition is disabling for any political action and one can't sacrifice one's own political principles, i.e. a stick stuck deep in the rectum, for compromises which are demanded to work with political partners because they are "traitors" of some sort).
as the joke goes "nobody could ever deliver as much as what i can promise you" - that was the way i saw that last year's rally.
i wish to dedicate this piece of work to them rabid dogs from momentum and other so called "leftists" in the labour party - you're just a bunch of totalitarian assholes completely unaware and pig ignorant of leftist politics and leftist sensibility.
it also contains a sample from the hafler trio's "all largely propaganda" and it could be viewed as my tribute to that great band.



i dug out the old track from the past (late 2012 exactly). although its sounds were used for one compilation and one nuoh release before - i still thought that something was neither quite right with it itself nor the way it was used. rather complete misses than perfect hits. a big reproach. a big remorse. a demand to do it right. so i submitted. for the sake of peace of mind. i butchered it hard in the quest of its essence. then i picked the remains and started to put them into a new whole. the full title came to me long before i ever considered to start work on it (and it is rather one of these life-descripting metaphors) but it is how remorse works - as a constatnt reminder about something from the past that should be done right before considering moving forward into the future and somehow a personal revelation.